Rewind the Markets

Rewind the Sensex from 1992-2024 with its Maxima, Minima and Drawdowns.
Maxima, Minima & Drawdowns

Much like the Internet's Wayback Machine, you can rewind and replay the Indian stock market from 1992 to the present. Relive the drawdowns and crises to see how we've arrived here.

This page is best viewed on a PC or tablet.

(1) Static chart

The chart belows plots the Sensex and Drawdown Losses (in %)
Sensex Drawdowns (1992-2024)

(2) Playback Video

Playback of the Sensex and its drawdowns from 1992 to 2024

(3) Interactive app

The app below lets you replay movement of the market for any period between 1992-2024. Use the controls to select the time period & the elements you would like to plot (Sensex, Maxima, Minima, Drawdown Losses)

Click Play to start